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Thread: Issue with changing category master page

  1. #1
    lleemon is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Issue with changing category master page

    I can't seem to get the master page to change. Here is what I did:

    1) Created new master page /App_Templates/Skin_1/templateproduct-landing.master

    2) Log into admin and created new category.

    3) Created new AppConfig entry with the following settings:
    Name: ProductLanding
    Description: .....
    Default For All Stores: templateproduct-landing.master
    Group: SKINS

    4) Changed 'HomeTemplateAsIs' value to be true. (FYI, note it appears to keep the false but adds a new line for true.)

    5) Went back to category and clicked on 'Extension Data' and changed 'Use Skin Template' to ProductLanding and clicked the 'Update' button.

    6) Top right of admin clicked on 'Reset Cache'

    7) Went to live category page that I just created and still is using the default template.

    Any ideas why I can't use a different .master page?

    --Moving from v7 to v9
    AspDotNetStorefront Multistore with sourcecode

  2. #2
    lleemon is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Figured it out.

    5) Went back to category and clicked on 'Extension Data' and changed 'Use Skin Template' to ProductLanding and clicked the 'Update' button.
    the 'Use Skin Template' value needed to the master file name, 'templateproduct-landing.master'
    AspDotNetStorefront Multistore with sourcecode