After submitting the dotfeed to Google I see errors in the Google merchant dashboard that state there are duplicate products.
Some products are submitted 2 and more times in the feed. How can I prevent this from happening?
After submitting the dotfeed to Google I see errors in the Google merchant dashboard that state there are duplicate products.
Some products are submitted 2 and more times in the feed. How can I prevent this from happening?
Sorry for the delay.
As far as I can tell, it seems to me that you have products with the same IDs. Google tracks and manages item by IDs in a feed so be certain all items always keep the same id values -- they should be unique, and never reused or reassigned.
I need the following details so I can further help you:
1. copy/paste here the details of the error
2. show me a screenshot of all your rules set in dotfeed
3. List of items that were flagged as duplicate
Better yet submit a ticket here and provide those info along with your dotfeed credential.
Thank you.
Is there any way to post the fixed feed here for everyone to see? I'm having the same problem.