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Thread: Full-Text Search and Variant SKUs

  1. #1
    empirechrome is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2007
    West Memphis

    Default Full-Text Search and Variant SKUs

    We recently started using full-text search on our site, which uses ML 8.1. Many of our items use multiple variants, which all have their own SKU. On those products, I leave the SKU field blank on the "edit product" page in admin, and use the full SKU for "SKU suffix" in the individual variants.

    However, I can't get the full-text search to return anything when we search for those SKUs. I have edited the catalog in our SQL manager, so those fields are supposed to be included in the catalog. Any suggestions for how I can get our search to return these variants by SKU?

  2. #2
    empirechrome is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2007
    West Memphis


    Ok, I've dug into this a little more, and from what I can tell, the stored procedure (GetProducts) that does the search in Storefront by default should be pulling data from both the Product and Variant tables. I'm a novice at SQL, though, so maybe I'm looking at the wrong procedure or could there be a different procedure in charge of the full-text search? Anyone have any ideas?

  3. #3
    gilligan is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2010

    Default Aspdotnetstorefront Search Doesn't Always Work

    Check the forum for the "search bug". Bug has been around for a very long time, I think a couple of years, and hasn't been fixed yet so could be you need to adopt some new SKUs until Vortx get's it fixed.

    It can be painful, but you can't use many of the manufacturer's SKUs and may have to change them to something else to get the search to work.

    Try it and see if that works. If you have something like Flowcooler 330-180, try changing it to 330180. Kills the SEO and product matching generally, but at least you can get close to finding it if your customer guesses correctly.