On our site we have a lot of free, DIY projects on Topic pages. We've added Google Search to make finding these projects a bit easier for our customers. Unfortunately, due to a bug in Google Search no thumbnails are returned with the search results. They have a workaround that involves using their PageMap and suggesting an image URL.

This means in the <head> we have to have something like this:
    <DataObject type="thumbnail">
      <Attribute name="src" value="http://www.example.com/recipes/applepie/applepie.jpg"/>
      <Attribute name="width" value="100"/>
      <Attribute name="height" value="130"/>
Not quite sure how to do this. Our projects all have a number associated with them and are all named with the same logic (i.e. Project N167's topic page url is http://www.beadaholique.com/t-ba-project-N167.aspx) and the thumbnails are in folders that follow similar logic. Which means - if I can find a way to get the page's URL into a variable I can pretty easily grab the project number and, therefore, it's associated thumbnail.

But I can't seem to figure out how to do this. Can someone steer me in the right direction?