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Thread: Room and Board Product List?

  1. #1
    donato is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Room and Board Product List?

    Hi Everyone,

    Could someone point me in the direction of setting up our category pages to look like this:

    I REALLY like this look/layout and would like to have each one of our category pages to look like this as well...



  2. #2
    donato is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Anyone? Does anyone have any ideas please?

  3. #3
    donttryathome is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2009


    It's difficult to tell you step by step the details (way too much to list) on how to replicate that layout.

    I can tell you that you'll need to edit entity.grid.xml.config (or whichever xml package you've assigned to your categories) to change the layout. This is the file that contains the page layout displayed for category listings. Without some knowledge of html/css/xslt you probably won't be able to do it yourself.
    Running: AspDotNetStorefront ML

  4. #4
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2008
    London, UK


    That's a nice design isn't it?

    You can view how they've done much of it using Chrome's 'inspect' feature to view the HTML and CSS.

    The general coding looks fairly straightforward - the use of that sub category within the layout is nicely done using CSS.

    The slightly clever bit is how additional details of products appear if you click on the +view options link. We've done something kind of similar in ASPDNSF for the site, for example

    This is done using JQuery and CSS with some hover events.

    Summary is:

    - Write a custom XMLPackage
    - Get the CSS and HTML working for the basic layout
    - Add in lots of JQuery and more advanced CSS

  5. #5
    donato is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by webopius View Post
    That's a nice design isn't it?

    You can view how they've done much of it using Chrome's 'inspect' feature to view the HTML and CSS.

    The general coding looks fairly straightforward - the use of that sub category within the layout is nicely done using CSS.

    The slightly clever bit is how additional details of products appear if you click on the +view options link. We've done something kind of similar in ASPDNSF for the site, for example

    This is done using JQuery and CSS with some hover events.

    Summary is:

    - Write a custom XMLPackage
    - Get the CSS and HTML working for the basic layout
    - Add in lots of JQuery and more advanced CSS
    Very nice!