Is there any way to get tracking information for our feeds from Google Analytics?
I can't see a way to append a UTM tracking code onto the URL.
Is there any way to get tracking information for our feeds from Google Analytics?
I can't see a way to append a UTM tracking code onto the URL.
Would you like to track the visitors that arrive from Google Product Search, and follow them using Google Analytics? It’s easily done. Use the page here to work out what a typical page URL would look like with Google tracking. Now carefully copy the URL, starting from the ? sign. The piece you are copying will look something like this: ?utm_source=GooglePS&utm_medium=ad&utm_campaign=Ja nuary12
In DotFeed, set up a rule which look like below:
If Product Name matches ?*
set link = {current}?utm_source=GooglePS&utm_medium=ad&utm_ca mpaign=January12
Now, visitors arriving from Product Search onto your site will be identified and you can check their comparative conversion rate.