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Thread: Customer notifications - order status updated

  1. #1
    mikemurphy is offline Senior Member
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    United Kingdom

    Default Customer notifications - order status updated

    Is it possible to send an auto-email when we add details to the customer notes in the back-end ?

    ...we'd like to inform the customer of a change of order status

    Any thoughts ? W2008R2 64-bit MSSQL2005

  2. #2
    mikemurphy is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom



    happy to pay for this mod

    anyone ?? W2008R2 64-bit MSSQL2005

  3. #3
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2008
    London, UK



    I'm only viewing the code and not trying this but this should be a relatively straightforward modification if you just need to send the email to the customer if their notes are changed against the order.

    For example, within /admin/orderframe.aspx.cs is the action for updating notes:

    if (SubmitAction == "UPDATENOTES")
    Within this code is the call to Gateway.OrderManagement_SetCustomerServiceNotes() which actually updates the notes against a specific order. At the same time as this, you could email the Customer.

    If I was approaching this, I'd probably create a new method that took an order number and the customer notes as a parameter, extracted the customer id from the order, looked up the email for this customer and then emailed them informing them that their order notes had changed. I'd estimate less than 1hr to make this basic change.

    If I had more time, I'd enhance this slightly so that it used an XML package to create the email which would give more flexibility for editing and changing later.