
I'm doing a website for a musical instrument retail store. FilterByCategoryID doesn't seem to be working.

Here's an example of the menu structure: instruments > steel string guitars > Martin. When you click on "Martin", it passes a URL term "&FilterByCategoryID=3", because "3" is the category number of "steel string guitars." When you click on "Martin," it's supposed to display all instruments made by "Martin" that are ONLY steel string guitars. Currently, it's also showing ukuleles and other instruments that are made by Martin. It's like the "FilterByCategoryID" isn't working at all.

What's weird is that I went into debug mode on the XML package displaying the list of products (based on entity.grid.xml.config), after you click on "Martin", and in the XML debug window, none of the instruments (products) listed in the XML actually have a "Category ID" XML tag. They have a billion other tags, but it's as if CategoryID isn't actually stored in the XML of each product. Is this true? Am I just going crazy or is there something major that I'm missing? Because when I go into the ASPDNSF web admin portal, and edit Products, each specific instrument clearly has the correct category check-marked under the "Categories" tab. Where is CategoryID stored with the product? Is it stored with each product at all?

Let me know if more specific info would help.

Thanks, any help is much appreciated!