I hoping someone here can look over an issue I currently have with utilizing the IGateway AddIn Contract and provide me some insights. To being, I’m very familiar with MAF developing host and consumption addins in other projects. To date, I’ve successfully implemented a test shipping interface and inventory interface for AspDotNetStoreFront Multistore. However, I’m having a real hard time getting AspDotNetStoreFront Multistore to implement my custom AddIn which is utilizing the IGateway Interface contract.
After stepping through everything I’m come to the conclusion that AspDotNetStoreFront is not running the IGateway Interface Addin within the Pipeline during check-out. Furthermore, I think this is happening because I need to define a custom gateway in the AppConfig but there are no instructions on how to do this. In fact, the instructions found in the ASPDNSF ERP Provider Sync documentation simply list the IGateway Interface memebers.
Are there additional configuration directives that need to be set when utilizing the IGateway AddIn Interface?
::Store Front Information::
Version (Code/DB): AspDotNetStorefront Multistore
Payment Gateway: Manual
Gateway Mode: LIVE
Transaction Mode: AUTH
Payment Methods: Credit Card, PayPalExpress
Name Description Version Publisher
Custom Gateway Custom Gateway Interface