I've done everything required to define kitproduct.aspx to use a new template with no luck.
Is it possible to even do so?
I've done everything required to define kitproduct.aspx to use a new template with no luck.
Is it possible to even do so?
So, as stated, I tried every method and spelling variation possible to get the template method described in the manual to work with no luck.
To create a solution for my problem I created a new variation of page.kitheader.xml.config and named it something different (layout.product-kit-header.xml.config in my case). I then included that xml.config file directly in kitproduct.aspx using aspdnsf:XmlPackage.
Because ASPDNSF will still include page.kitheader.xml.config I emptied it out so that core code would not have to be modified.
Not a perfect solution because I still had to change my master template and other product xml.config files as a workaround but it does work!