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Thread: Logging in to checkout empties cart

  1. #1
    babslimo is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    North Carolina

    Default Logging in to checkout empties cart

    Currently on our client's store, if a customer that has previously made a purchase browses the site anonymously and puts items in their cart and THEN logs in to checkout, all of the items that they'd put in their cart disappear and they have to browse the site again and re-add the items to their cart while logged in to checkout. Is there a setting that will allow the items to stay in their cart after logging in? Thanks!
    Annette L. Fowler
    Beacon Technologies

  2. #2
    babslimo is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    North Carolina

    Default Found it!

    ClearOldCartOnSignin - if true, the customer's shopping cart is cleared every time they log into the site. This can prevent 'old' stuff from being left in the cart from prior site visits. We tend to like to preserve the they can still order what they added even a month ago or more.
    Annette L. Fowler
    Beacon Technologies

  3. #3
    medsupply is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    well, our site empties the cart after logging in, even when though we have always had ClearOldCartOnSignin set to false. What gives?