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Thread: WSI Query and XML ExtensionData

  1. #1
    FurnitureGuy is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default WSI Query and XML ExtensionData

    I'm using a WSI Query to retrieve data from the ExtensionData column in the Manufacturer table. My table contains an XML fragment. When my result is returned the XML has been escaped and is not usable.

    This is the WSI command:

     <AspDotNetStorefrontImport Version="7.1">
      <Query Name="Manufacturers" RowName="Manufacturer" retType="xml">
        <SQL><![CDATA[ select convert(xml, ExtensionData) ExtensionData from manufacturer]]></SQL>
    This is the response:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <AspDotNetStorefrontImportResult Version="7.1" DateTime="1/2/2012 5:21:55 PM">
      <Query Name="Manufacturers">
    What am I missing?

  2. #2
    FurnitureGuy is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    I contacted the AspDotnetStorefront help desk and received the following response:

    Getting this to perform the output you are desiring through WSI would require code mods, of which are outside the scope of the Help Desk.
    That's a surprising response to see that WSI cannot handle XML data correctly. This same functionality works in XML packages (you can retrieve XML fragments in the queries). Major disapppointment with WSI and the ability to leverage the ExtensionData fields for XML.

    If you are listening AspDotnetStorefront.... you should address this in an upcoming release. The power of those ExtensionData fields is storing and accessing XML data!!