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Thread: 500 product limit this Christmas for normal google feed; how is DotFeed doing?

  1. #1
    barbdiet_123 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default 500 product limit this Christmas for normal google feed; how is DotFeed doing?


    We upload our google feed monthly and name the file to reflect the month. E.g. feed.googlefeed20111201.xml. This month we were suprised when Google only accepted 500 of our over 8k products. Upon researching, if you did not "register" your feed before 11/22/2011 you are "temporarily" limited to 500 products. Since we did not understand the concept of "registering" a product feed, we are stuck with the 500 product limit for this Christmas. You can request an exception, and we have, but my question to this forum is how are new DotFeed customers who bought aspdotnetstorefront after 11/22 handling this, for this Christmas?

    Jo, do you know?

    thank you

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Tammy is offline Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Jo's response:

    We find that all of the following are true:

    Google, when approached, are being very accommodating. Several of our users needed to claim an exception, and all have been granted.

    The huge majority of our DotFeed users either (a) already had a feed established and so the cap does not apply or (b) are only now beginning to understand the huge benefits of the shopping engines and to them, “only 500” is 500 better than nothing!

    Google, even beyond the cap, does not like multiple feeds. I would advise against continued use of a new monthly feed.