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Thread: WSI: OrderManagement>SendReceipt> + BCC another email

  1. #1
    bdamore is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default WSI: OrderManagement>SendReceipt> + BCC another email

    Anyone know where in the source it sends the receipt emails?
    Not in the site code on the orderconfirmation page,
    ...but in the source on the WSI call to <OrderManagement Action="SendReceipt" ..>
    I have a console app doing hourly updates from their ERP via XML on shipped orders.
    1. site gets order / authorizes card / sends via XML to offsite ERP
    2. console app checks ERP via XML to see what orders have shipped and uses WSI to 'markasshipped w/tracking#' and 'sendreceipt' via <OrderManagement..> nodes.
    works great...

    Client wants to be CC'd on each shipped email to confirm tracking numbers are correct.

    Where do I find it in the source?


  2. #2
    bdamore is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Found it...
    Prj: ASPDotNetStoreFrontGateways
    File: Gateway.cs
    Area: function>OrderManagement_SendReceipt
    Approx. line#: 3620

    make up a new appconfig and plug it into the 2nd to the last param in the function replacing string.empty... funny how this function actually accepts BCC addresses but it's not written to use an appconfig already... weird..but DNSF is, isn't it?