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Thread: DotFeed errors / questions

  1. #1
    wkeithg is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default DotFeed errors / questions

    I don't know if it's Google or DotFeed, but somehow the same feed gets varying errors each week the feed is submitted.

    This week I'm told:

    1. All products need a Google Product Category. OK - how do I set ALL products to the same Google Product Category?
    2. Products that I'd thought I'd excluded from the feed through setting a rule are still submitted to Google. Now the rule reads "Set Exclude from Feed =". Equal what? True?
    3. For some reason, Google has a problem with one product's variant description being blank. It's always been blank. In fact, all 1000+ products in my feed have blank variant descriptions yet Google has an issue with just one. What I can do about it?


  2. #2 is offline Administrator
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Thanks for asking these questions.

    1) An easy way to set all products to have the same google_product_category would be as follows

    if ProductID >= 1 , then google_product_category= Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Tops > Sweaters

    2) Exclude from Feed = True. (good guess. "1" and "yes" also work)

    3) Variant description isn't something we feed, except as a substitute for the product description. Please can you share more information about the Google warning?

    Jo Benson
    Vortx / AspDotNetStorefront

  3. #3
    wkeithg is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    This week's problem is an XML formatting error, specifically "Error parsing/validating XML feed" [].

    The fact that the same feed has different errors every week makes me wonder whether Google is really this capricious about the feed.