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Thread: Retail pricing being pulled instead of sale price

  1. #1
    bowlerstore is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Retail pricing being pulled instead of sale price

    We are having issues of google displaying the retail price instead of the sale price. I was under the impression that google displayed the lowest price or dotfeed only sent the sale price.

    Any help or suggestions would be great. Would adding a rule help take care of this.

  2. #2
    superglorious is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    having the same issue too. I tried to see if maybe the 'sale price effective date' needed to have a date or a range. But the Dot Feed rules wouldn't allow a date range.
    Solutions for a Greener World

  3. #3 is offline Administrator
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    Apr 2007


    There are a couple of things to tell you.

    First, Google has declared that it has a problem with sales price. So far, we have customers with 100% sales price problems in the UK, and several customers who find that on a USA feed, the products that are individually displayed are showing sales price well, but that any product sucked into "compare prices" is likely to lose its sale price. Google has said to expect a fix next week and in the meantime suggests feeding sale price in place of full price. To make this easy in DotFeed, the rule will read

    "If sale_price >= 0.01, then price ={original}"

    Secondly, superglorious is wondering about a "range" on sales effective date. It's really easy to do this in DotFeed:

    "If sale_price >= 0.01, then sale_effective_date = 2011-11-13T13:00:00Z/2011-12-31T11:59:59Z"

    I hope that helps.
    Jo Benson
    Vortx / AspDotNetStorefront

  4. #4
    superglorious is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Jo thanks for the reply. I implemented the rule to copy over the sale price as the regular price. However, I noticed that on items with sale prices over 999, Dotfeed will format the Price with a comma separating the thousands.
    As a result google is rejecting these items from the feed.

    So say I got an item with Sale price of 1000 and a Price of 1500.00. As per the rule, Dotfeed would copy over the Sale Price to the Price column. Unfortunately, it's formatting the Sale price as 1,000.
    Solutions for a Greener World