I would like to do some custom development to allow me to capture the county for a customer (within a state), and tie it to a tax % delta. I have not done any custom work on AspDotNetStorefront before. Can someone give me some pointers about the best way to go about this development? Any advice will be welcomed, but some specifics I would like to know:
- how best to "hook" into the tax rate calculation to adjust based on custom logic
- how best to pull additional address data (county) from another table outside the standard Address database table
My goals are to keep it as "loosely-coupled" as possible to make it as easy as possible to manage if the version of ASPDNSF is upgraded in the future.
In case anyone is curious about the reasons - I need to cater for different tax rates per county in the State of Florida. I could use a third party plugin to handle this, but am trying to avoid another monthly fee - especially as all I really need to do is identify one extra piece of address information, and tie it to a tax % delta.
Thanks for any help!