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Thread: Missing File DumpShoppingCart.xml.config

  1. #1
    Ben-LynxSI is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Default Missing File DumpShoppingCart.xml.config

    The storefront WSI complains of missing file 'DumpShoppingCart.xml.config' for any shopping cart nodes in a WSI call. I've searched the manuals online, googled and check my repositories for several previous versions of ASPDNSF. I can see DumpOrder and DumpCustomer in there, but no DumpShoppingCart.

    Can someone point out where to find this? Or can ASPDNSF staff post the missing file somewhere and get it into the master download?

    Ben Swayne - C#/
    Lynx System Integrators Ltd.
    Lynx Live Agent - real-time analytics, live chat and sales software for ASPDotNetStorefront
    My Personal Website

  2. #2
    glaivier is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Same issue here

    I'm here as a new customer, and have found the same missing file problem. Can anyone provide this missing DumpShoppingCart.xml.config or say when this will be re-added to the project?

  3. #3
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Stephanie is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default RE: Missing File DumpShoppingCart.xml.config

    WSI is very much a work in progress. It is deemed a developer tool rather than a merchant interface and we therefore constantly take requests for new hooks and different connectors and roll out new features. We don't test this tool in the way we do other parts of the solution and officially it's still in beta. This missing file is already on the list. Thank you, and sorry for the nuisance factor.