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Thread: Can WSI create Manufacturers via Add Product/Mappiing node?

  1. #1
    bdamore is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Can WSI create Manufacturers via Add Product/Mappiing node?

    I have a console app pushing changes from a client's offsite DB into DNSF. I have done this before, but previously I had used the Excel import file method to get the base products in, then use a console app for updating.
    This time, it's different. Doesn't really make sense in this project to create an import file since the app does it all anyway. However, I noticed when I try to app a Mapping in WSI via the following, it doesn't create the Manufacturers... is ther a way WSI cna create manufacturers by just creating a mapping? (it works that way in the Excel import file emethod):
     XMLToSendToWSICreateNewProduct += "<Mappings AutoCleanup=\"0\">";
                            XMLToSendToWSICreateNewProduct += "<Entity EntityType=\"Category\" Name=\"Products To Map\" XPath=\"\" ID=\"\" GUID=\"\" DisplayOrder=\"1\"/>";
                            XMLToSendToWSICreateNewProduct += "<Entity EntityType=\"Distributor\" Name=\"Dist1\" XPath=\"\" ID=\"\" GUID=\"\" DisplayOrder=\"1\"/>";
                            XMLToSendToWSICreateNewProduct += "<Entity EntityType=\"Manufacturer\" Name=\"" + vManufacturer + "\" XPath=\"\" ID=\"\" GUID=\"\" DisplayOrder=\"\"/>";
                            XMLToSendToWSICreateNewProduct += "</Mappings>";

  2. #2
    ebijs is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2010


    This one is working for us :

    "<![CDATA[<Entity EntityType=""Manufacturer"" XPath=""" & brand & """ DisplayOrder=""" & DisplayOrder & """ />]]>"

    I'll think you don't need to fill the 'Name' but only 'Xpath'.