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Thread: Customer Unable to Login - Invalid Password - But Password is Valid

  1. #1
    gilligan is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Customer Unable to Login - Invalid Password - But Password is Valid

    A customer from Canada reported that when he attempted to create a new account to make a purchase, that after he selected Canada, the page went blank, and he could do nothing else.

    So, an admin manually adds the customer's account through the admin interface, without issue, and manually sets a password. Customer attempts to login using the temp password and receives a message "Invalid Login".

    So customer being smart, now decides to select reset password, and message states there is no email account by that name. So admin resets password again, verifying email address and all account info, and then attempts to login to the customer's account, only to receive the same message invalid login.

    So admin deletes the customer's account and attempts to build a new one only to receive a message the email address already exists (because allowduplicateemail addresses is set to not allow). This message confirms the customer's email address did exist (although you would think if you deleted the account, the email address would not, but that's another story).

    So now the only choice is to manually run the order. The manual process appears to work, but unfortunately the customer still cannot access his new account through ADNSF nor can the admin because every login attempt is met with Invalid Login.

    Doesn't seem to affect Unites States customers. Anyone else have this issue with a customer that can't login and email shows to not exist when attempting to reset password?

    ML SP1

  2. #2
    deanfp is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2009



    It's a real pain this bug. Here is how I get around the issue.

    Read this link for more info

    As for what I do, this is how I get around it.

    We too have this problem and this is the way I get around it

    1.Reset the password to a temporary one for the customer
    2. Go into the SQL table dbo.Customer
    3.On the row of the customer having the problem change the value of

    Locked Until to NULL
    PwdChangeRequired to 0

    That should work

    Not sure why it only affects those in Canada though. Finally, its worth noting that if the customer shops using Paypal Express then though a customer record is created within ASPDNSF no password is stored so if its a customer that has done the first order via Paypal you will need to upgrade the "Isregistered" field from 0 to 1.

    For us Paypal customers with a value of 0 do not show up within admin, only on the customer db in SQL.

  3. #3
    gilligan is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Thumbs up Manually Updating SQL Tables Resolved Bug Issue for Canadian Customers Login

    Thank you - your suggestion worked.