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Thread: Variants in Dropdown with accurate quantity tracking, variants with different prices

  1. #1
    LIVS is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Variants in Dropdown with accurate quantity tracking, variants with different prices

    Hello all,

    Here is what I want out of an XML package for our product: when the customer selects a color the image changes to reflect that variant (variants in dropdown serves this function perfectly) and when a color and size are selected the respective price and stock information for that variant are accurately reflected.

    We are currently using the variants in dropdown XML package. I have the appconfigs configured so that "In stock" and "Out of Stock" messages show on our product pages, but the price and stock information for different variants isn't displayed accurately when using variants in dropdown.

    I realize that variants in dropdown only reflects the pricing and stock information for the default variant, so what then is the best way to get what I want (customer chooses color and size variant, and can see the respective picture, price, and stock info for that variant)? Also realize that it will take customization, but is variants in dropdown the right place to start or is there another xml package that would provide a better starting point? Does anyone have a custom xml package that functions in this manner that they could shed a little light on?

    Thanks a bunch,

  2. #2
    Kev is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Bug?

    I may be way out of my element but are you seeing the same bug/issues as Contour saw and detailed in this thread?

    "On the more complicated product, I discovered a big problem: The second variant and sizes did not transfer to the shopping cart correctly. Each size has a higher price, and a unique sku, along with a unique variant/size product title. ONly the title passed through correctly (IE - Customer chooses second variant, largest size, it appears with correct wording in cart) BUT the price and the sku both reflect the original base price. in other words, the cart registered the wrong price and sku. Not good."

  3. #3
    Amy P is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    I am having the same problem too. When you select a different variant the new price is not reflected in the shopping cart; only the default variant carries to the cart.

    Does anyone have a fix for this?