Hi all-
I have a custom XML Package defined under each product in the ExtensionData field as follows:
Each product then uses the product.tabbedUI.xml.config template which has been modified to add an additional tab called Downloads.
The idea is that the dFile XML field will store the path to an external html file which contains the product's related downloads ie. software updates, documentation, etc. This file will be displayed inline in the Downloads tab.
I wanted to use
<% Response.WriteFile() %>
to include the external html file but I cannot figure out how to pass the XML param value to the ASP.NET function or how can I store it in an ASP.NET variable?
For testing purposes, I have been able to retrieve the dFile param value and simply display the file path on the page using the following:
under xsl:template:
<xsl:param name="myDFile" select="/root/Extensions/Product/ExtensionData/DownloadFileLocation/dFile"></xsl:param>
where I want the data to appear:
<xsl:value-of select="$myDFile" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
In essence what I want to accomplish is:
<% Response.WriteFile(myDfile); %>
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for the help!