Recently, PayPal has sent out several mass emails warning of upcoming changes to their systems. We've been getting a lot of questions about how those changes will affect AspDotNetStorefront customers, so I thought I'd address them here. The 3 changes are:
- 9/29 - IP Address Expansion
- 10/1 - Server Upgrade
- 11/15 - IP Address Expansion
Since AspDotNetStorefront references all PayPal systems by FQDN rather than IP address, neither of the 'IP Address Expansion' changes will have any impact on our customers.
The server upgrade will affect PayPal PayFlow Pro customers for approximately 3 minutes (their estimate) between 11 PM PDT – 11:05 PM PDT on October 1st. Orders attempted during that time period would need to be resubmitted after PayPal's server is back up, so customers using PayPal PayFlow Pro with high volume that feel they may get orders during that small outage window may want to take precautions (temporarily store CC information, ask customers to try again in a few minutes, enable another payment method, etc) as they see fit.
NOTE: While the AspDotNetStorefront software itself will not be impacted by the IP address changes made on 9/29 and 11/15, it is possible that some hosting environments will. If a hosting environment has restricted incoming/outgoing requests by IP address, customers may have to work with their hosts to expand the allowed IPs after PayPal's changes take effect. The full list of IPs can be found on PayPal's site here. Very few customers should have to worry about this, but it is possible. Check with your host to make sure.