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Thread: 'Label' Error Message - Need HELP ASAP!!!

  1. #1
    tonya is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Exclamation 'Label' Error Message - Need HELP ASAP!!!

    I am new to XML/XSL and am attempting to find a tweak that will allow us to use the Category Summary field to insert text at the bottom of the product grid page. I've been testing the page.casearch.xml.config file and after my most recent test inserting, upon the recommendation from CA support, a label field one entire section of our website is now producing the following error: "Exception=Top-level element 'label' may not have a null namespace URI."

    In hopes of rectifying the situation, I deleted the test file from the skins/XMLPackages folder and even renamed the corresponding entity.filtergrid.xml.config package in that folder such that the site should be looking to the defaul packages in the ground level XMLPackages folder BUT I am still receiving the above noted error for one section of our website. ANY assistance would be GREATLY appreciated! (Not only am I new to XML/XSL, I am also new to this platform and this organization AND am still trying to figure out how it all integrates - i.e. what is in our (the user's) control vs what is actually hosted and backed-up/controlled by the host company.)


  2. #2
    fsantos is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Have you tried reseting the cache (on the Admin interface) or restarting the website? maybe that helps...


  3. #3
    ROBB is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    United States

    Default Label Error

    Can we get a link to the page displaying the error message.

  4. #4
    tonya is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Thumbs up Resolved

    Thank you for the speedy responses! After resetting the cache and restarting my browser a few times, it appears that the issue is now resolved.

    Thanks again for your willingness to help!
