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Thread: Adding Order Processing Drop Down on Admin

  1. #1
    kyleeeeee is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Adding Order Processing Drop Down on Admin


    I am working on trying to add a dropdown menu to our orders placed on the website where I can adjust the 'Order Process'. For example, if we would want 'Hold','Waiting For Box', etc.

    Here is what I have gathered so far about this but I am hitting a road block :

    • I need this to be saved for each individual order, so they can all be at a different spot
    • I added 'OrderStatus' column to the database, in the 'Orders' table
    • I am pretty sure I need to add it to orderframe.aspx.cs

    What I am running into is being able to create the dropdown menu where I can have the different status' based on the order and have it connect with the database and save for each order.

    Does anyone have any direction to make this happen? I am running with no source code but I think I can do this all hard coded, connecting with the database.

  2. #2
    kyleeeeee is offline Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Anyone with any guidance on this matter?