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Thread: multi images - can't get back to first image

  1. #1
    biggunn is offline Member
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    Default multi images - can't get back to first image

    So I don't know if this is a setting or something I am doing wrong but here is what is happening.

    on our product page, I have multi-images working for the most part. When you go to the product detail page, it shows a product image with thumbnails underneath. When you rollover one of the thumbnails it shows that image where the product image was.

    The problem is that it will not revert to the original product image that shows before you did the rollover.

    I am using V9.1.0.1 multistore with product.simplevariantformat.xml.config

  2. #2
    campbelt101 is offline Member
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    I ran into that myself...

    The first image in your multi-images needs to be the same and the image you set for the product. Kind of confusing but it works.

  3. #3
    biggunn is offline Member
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    thank for the reply.

    I was going to use that as a last resort work around if it turned out it was actually working as it was supposed to. Seems like it should work better than that.

    Can anyone else confirm this is the best way.

  4. #4
    PowerProducts is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by campbelt101 View Post
    I ran into that myself...

    The first image in your multi-images needs to be the same and the image you set for the product. Kind of confusing but it works.
    Yup, he is correct. Always have to repost your original in the multi image section. Good luck.

  5. #5
    biggunn is offline Member
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    OK thank you. I will let my customer know.

  6. #6
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    Perhaps some ASPDNSF staff will see this email thread and fix this bug.
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  7. #7
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
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    That's not a bug, that's how it's designed, how it's always worked, and how it works pretty much everywhere else.

    There's got to be a way for the customer to tell the page to stay on the alternate image if that's what they want to leave up, so we're not going to just instantly revert because they moved the mouse off the thumbnail. After that, they need a way (short of reloading the page) to get back to the original, and the best way to do that is the way we do - all the image options are presented as thumbnails, including the original.

    It works for,,,,, etc...

  8. #8
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    I think the buggy part is that you have to add the picture in twice. Ideally, there should be no specifying of an image at all, or the default image should automatically be inserted as the first multi-image. I've never been to another site where you click off the main image and can't get back to it.
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  9. #9
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
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    The idea there, like so much else in the app, is that you don't have to do it that way if you don't want to. That may be the 'intended' way to set up your products, and the way most folks will, but if you want to do something different, you can. For example we have at least 3 sites I know that use the same default image for every product on their site - site info, ordering guides, etc - that they want to load first, then the customer can switch to product-specific images with the thumbnails. Or maybe you just want the 'default' thumbnail to be on the far right instead of the left. Those might be fringe cases, but by letting you choose which thumbnails appear easily like we do, the option's there without any customization required.

  10. #10
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
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    I appreciate that option and feature. It would seem that the same end could be accomplished by just hiding the 'change thumbnail button' if there is only one of them and then making the default image the initial alternate image and then when the others are added after that the 'change thumbnail button' will automatically appear for that first item. That will make it much easier for users to multiple images.

    Just a thought. Once I figured out how to do this, it wasn't a big deal, but it certainly wasn't obvious what was going on.
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