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Thread: redirect ip address to

  1. #1
    jake is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default redirect ip address to

    OK... our PCI compliance test has failed. If you go to our site using the ip address, then add to cart, it will allow you to create an account without going to https:

    we have the redirectToWWW on, and that works for, but not the ip.

    Should aspdotnetstorefront be enforcing this, or is it up to me?

    And... if it is up to me, how do I do it on IIS 7.0? (I tried adding the ip address to a redirect site binding, but it didn't work.)

    fyi: I tested 2 random sites from your gallery of customers, and they both had the same problem. (one ML8 and one multistore)

  2. #2
    jake is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default OK, how about iis 6?

    ok, I'll answer my own question.

    if you go into IIS 7 manager, click on your web site, and choose "Bindings..." under Edit Site on the Actions panel (over on the right). you get a dialog with "Site Bindings". pick the http type and click the Edit... button.

    Under "Host name", I had a blank field. I changed it to

    Now, I can't connect using ip address (I get a 404 error, which is fine). Now, I also couldn't connect anymore using, so I added a redirect of to

    Now... I still have a store running under IIS 6. The above trick doesn't work there.

    So... same question again for IIS6: how do you disable the use of the IP address to browse to the website?

  3. #3
    mmcgeachy is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    in II6 try creating a site that with no host headers assigned to that IP. Make sure it does not a say all unassigned. Then go to the site properties and click on the on the home directory tab set the radio button to "a redirection to a URL. In the redirect to text box enter$S$Q. The check exact URL above check box and the permanent redirection check box. Then click ok. Now test viewing the site through an IP. It should now hopefully redirect the IP URLs.

  4. #4
    jake is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Red face thanks!

    I didn't have any "host header value" configured under the "Advanced..." button "Web Site" properties. Filling in and adding a fixed my problem... you can't navigate to my site using ip address.

    I guess redirecting ip to would be nice, but I don't need that to check off the "done" box here.
