Here's what I did.
In App_Code/SkinBase.cs I modified GetTemplateName(): (look at !!!!!)
private static string GetTemplateName()
string templateName = CommonLogic.QueryStringCanBeDangerousContent("template");
if (templateName == null || templateName.Length == 0)
// undocumented feature:
templateName = AppLogic.AppConfig("Template" + CommonLogic.GetThisPageName(false));
if (templateName == null || templateName.Length == 0)
templateName = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.ProductIsMLExpress() && !AppLogic.IsAdminSite, "expressTemplate", "template");
String PN = CommonLogic.QueryStringCanBeDangerousContent("Topic");
if (PN.ToLower().Contains("guide")) //or anything you're looking for
templateName = "templatememberarea";
//Don't forget, There must be a corresponding templatememberarea.ascx (or whatever you want) template file in the ‘skins/Skin_1’ folder
if (templateName.Length > 0 && !templateName.EndsWith(".ascx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
// undocumented feature:
templateName += ".ascx";
return templateName;