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Thread: Different customer levels and prices for these customer levels

  1. #1
    doru is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Different customer levels and prices for these customer levels


    I am using ASPDNSF 9.x

    In standard store you can set up a customer level and give products or categories a fixed % or $ amount off for this customer level.

    For our store, we have customer level A who gets $2.00 on product A, $3.00 off product B, etc.
    All there pricing is an exact dollar amount off of individual items so we need a way to manage this within the store. And to add another level of complexity customer level B may get only $1 off product A and $4 off on product B.

    Could you give me an idea regarding how I can get this feature?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated


  2. #2
    sha87 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    I think what you are looking for is the "Extended Price" feature. This will let you set each customer level's price on a per item basis, instead of store wide. Here's the manual page

    We use this extensively in the store I run. It's a time heavy process, but it works. I run v9 with both SP1 and the Admin pack - You may have to file a ticket with support for the Extended Pricing file if you get an error when you try to use them (It happened with us, I don't think it's been fixed yet.)

    Good luck!