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Thread: ML/64 encrypted Ticket Error

  1. #1
    mohanrh is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Exclamation ML/64 encrypted Ticket Error

    We are using aspdotnetstorefront ML/64 version 8.0 for our main ecommerce site. Occasionally, some of our users complain that they are unable to logon to the site and the site keeps them redirecting to the main page every time they login. I traced it to the error in formsauthentication.decrypt method during authentication and it mainly happens on IE and usually due to a corrupted cookie. The error is
    Exception message: Invalid value for 'encryptedTicket' parameter.

    Stack trace: at System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(St ring encryptedTicket)
    at AspDotNetStorefront.Global.rBU0jjPAT(Object , EventArgs )
    Usually clearing the cookie makes this issue go away. But is there a way to solve this issue without having the user manually deleting the cookie? This is really causing problem to our users and I am looking for a solution at the earliest. Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    mohanrh is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Encrypted Ticket Error

    Is there a way to fix " Invalid value for 'encryptedTicket' parameter" error on IE. Even just clearing cookies does not solve the issue. Apparently, physically deleting the cookie finally solves the problem. It would be very helpful if someone could suggest a programmatic solution to this issue.