As soon as I added Google Express - shoppingcart.aspx.18 - keeps appearing right above the Paypal icon.
Under String Resource Mgr that string was not in there. I went to my local Excel string file and its listed in there: (shoppingcart.aspx.18 - Or Checkout with…) so I added that in through String Resource Mgr. Said it was successful but its still not showing.
I went ahead and uploaded the local Excel string file and it said OK next to: shoppingcart.aspx.18 so it successfully uploaded it but its still not showing!
Is there something I am supposed to 'turn on'? Not a whole lot to configure using Paypal Express. Is there a way to just remove that line? All it really does is just add the 'text' in right?
It only does this when I add Paypal Express and allow the button to show at checkout.
Other than that it 'appears' to work.