Hi all,
I am using this code in the page for viewing the order details to customer.
<div style="float:right; width: 125px; text-align: right; font-size: 16px;">
Tax: <%=Cart.TaxTotal(true).ToString("C")%><br />
Shipping: <%=Cart.ShippingTotal(true,true).ToString("C")%>
Where Cart is is object of current shopping Cart, But Cart.TotalTax() is not working I tried it in code behind file but still it's returning 0.
I think there is an issue in aspdotnetstorefront dll that TotalTax() is returning 0 always, In database I have set 10% for a particular state but this value is not displaying over the .aspx page for that state.
So please help me to resolve the issue as soon as possible.