I was just looking at the manual on how to change the custom errors because we constantly get server errors because our host is awful and customers keep trying to tell us that we have "serious issues" with our website, but there's nothing we can do about it until we get our v9 multistore ready to go live with a different host.

I was wondering if there is any way that I can have the website redirect to the pagenotfound thing for 404 errors and everything else go to a custom error page so they don't see those crazy server errors and start freaking out.

I had this in there:
<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/t-error.aspx"/>
            <!-- This will redirect 404 error on PageNotFound.aspx ,this will work only for file-types that IIS passes to ASP.NET  -->
            <error statusCode="404" redirect="PageNotFound.aspx" />
But it doesn't actually redirect to anything when a 404 error shows up... the page just goes blank.

For now, I just set a defaultredirect to the custom error page and commented out the other stuff. But if customers type in the wrong url an error really wasn't encountered and they should be sent to the pagenotfound.aspx.

Thanks a bunch!