We've recently (as of yesterday) started to get a number of Customers experiencing an error during the 3D Secure payment step. This is on a 9.1 install using the SagePay gateway.
Instead of seeing the 3DSecure 'enter your card password' window, they are returned to checkoutpayment.aspx with the error 'Session Expired. Please retry credit card entry' shown.
From looking at secureprocess.aspx.cs, there are three potential triggers for generating this error:
- The Customer's session data doesn't match the session data information coming back from the 3D Secure process.
- The 3DSecure transaction id coming back from SagePay is 0
- Or the order number reference from the session data is 0
What's really strange is that the sites experiencing these issues have been running for over a year without this problem - no changes have been made either in the files or in the configuration.
Further clues. This does seem to be specific to Macs running OSX 10.6.8 (the latest release) as the Customers are reporting that they do not have problems on Windows/IE.
Is anyone aware of any changes in OSX 10.6.8 that would cause the session data writing/reading within the 3D Secure payment steps to be affected?
Many thanks