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Thread: Tiered Coupon

  1. #1
    chrismartz is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Tiered Coupon

    I am looking to add a tiered coupon to our website (i.e. $5 off $25+, $10 off $50+...). I have added a field to the coupon table that is "CouponTiered". This is a 1 or 0 field. In coupons.cs I added the following:
    public class CouponObject
    internal bool m_coupontiered = false;
    public List<CouponObject> InitCoupon
    co.m_coupontiered = DB.RSFieldBool(rs, "CouponTiered");
            public bool CouponTiered
                get { return m_coupontiered; }
    public static CouponObject GetCoupon()
    co.m_coupontiered = DB.RSFieldBool(rscoup, "CouponTiered");
    public static String CheckIfCouponIsValidForOrder()
    if (status == AppLogic.ro_OK)
                        if (co.m_coupontiered && st < 25)
                            status = String.Format(AppLogic.GetString("shoppingcart.cs.73", ThisCustomer.SkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting), ThisCustomer.CurrencyString(25));
                        // If we get here, we need to change the discount amount to match the tiered pricing
                            if (co.m_coupontiered && st >= 25)
                                if (st >= 25 && st < 50) // $5 off $25+
                                    co.m_discountamount = 5;
                                    co.m_description = "$5 off $25+";
                                else if (st >= 50 && st < 100) // $10 off $50+
                                    co.m_discountamount = 10;
                                    co.m_description = "$10 off $50+";
                                else if (st >= 100) // $20 off $100+
                                    co.m_discountamount = 20;
                                    co.m_description = "$20 off $100+";
    With this code, I can type the coupon code in on shoppingcart.aspx and click the update button to the right, and it will show the $X off $X+ but I have to push the update button again for it to reflect in the subtotal. Any ideas why this is or if there is a better way to do this?
    Last edited by chrismartz; 06-15-2011 at 12:25 PM.