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Thread: 32 bit to 64 bit

  1. #1
    John10Yes is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Marion, IN

    Default 32 bit to 64 bit

    We paid for someone to do some development work on our store which was mostly cosmetic. When it was complete they complained about our web host and that we should get someone that aspdotnetstorefront supported so we moved to Well they uploaded everyting to Appliedi and the store doesn't work and now they are saying that we have the 32 bit version of the store and need the 64 bit. I can get the 64 bit version of the store software but now they are saying that there will be new charges to convert the modifications to 64 bit and they will get me a price. Can there be that much work to convert to 64 bit? Just curious.

  2. #2
    mikemurphy is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United Kingdom


    Do this > In the IIS Manager, go to the application pool you have set for the storefront, goto Advanced Settings, set "Enable 32-bit Applications" to true. This will make the site run in explicit 32-bit mode.

    The only thing you will be doing is limiting the available memory for the app pool you have associated with aspdnsf - but still lots of space so no noticible performance issues unless you are doing something BIG with your site

    We have our site running fine ona 64bit server in 32bit mode - tell your dev partner !! W2008R2 64-bit MSSQL2005