Hi guys,
I am a newbie in asp.net

i just want to know if it is ok to just upload aspx and aspx.cs files on the skins/Skin_1/ directory of the FTP or should i do some modifications to other files?

Heres what i did ,i copied the sendform.aspx and sendform.aspx.cs. they both save as sendform2.aspx and sendform2.aspx.cs

HTML Code:
<form id="MailArea" name="MailArea" method="POST" action="skins/Skin_1/sendform2.aspx">
    <script type="text/javascript">
function CheckFields(){var ergx = new RegExp('\\w+([-+.\']\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\\.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*');if(document.getElementById("MailName").value == "" ||document.getElementById("MailPhone").value == ""||document.getElementById("MailEmail").value == "" ||document.getElementById("MailSubject").value == ""||document.getElementById("MailMessage").value == ""){alert("Please complete entries.");}else if(!ergx.test(document.getElementById("MailEmail").value)){alert("Invalid Email.");}else{document.forms["MailArea"].submit();}}

    <div align="left">
    <table width="454" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <td valign="top" width="102" align="right">*Your Name:</td>
                <td valign="middle" width="348" align="left"><input name="Name" size="27" id="MailName" type="text"></td>
                <td valign="top" width="102" align="right">*Your Phone:</td>
                <td valign="middle" width="348" align="left"><input name="Phone" size="27" id="MailPhone" type="text"></td>
                <td valign="top" width="102" align="right">*Your E-Mail:</td>
                <td valign="middle" width="348" align="left"><input name="EMail" size="27" id="MailEmail" type="text"></td>
                <td valign="top" width="102" align="right">*Subject:</td>
                <td valign="middle" width="348" align="left"><input name="Subject" size="27" id="MailSubject" type="text"></td>
                <td valign="top" width="102" align="right">*Message:</td>
                <td valign="middle" width="348" align="left"><textarea rows="11" name="S1" cols="41" id="MailMessage"></textarea></td>
                <td width="102"><br>
                <td width="348"><input value="Submit" name="B1" onclick="CheckFields();" type="button"></td>
the action of the MailArea form is set to skins/Skin_1/sendform2.aspx

am i doing the correct way of targetting the sendform2.aspx on skins/Skin_1?
because i encountered error when i tried to submit it.

please give me some help or links to help me out with this matter.
