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Thread: UPS Delivery Confirmation?

  1. #1
    akeller is offline Member
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    Dec 2008

    Default UPS Delivery Confirmation?

    I have searched the forum and the manual but can't seem to find a solid answer.

    I want to send the customer an email when their shipment has been DELIVERED. I already have an email going to the customer when it is being shipped with the tacking number. I see there is an appconfig;

    "Delivery Confirmation
    With the RTShipping.UPS.DeliveryConfirmation AppConfig, store admins can specify that their orders should require delivery confirmation. Allowed values are:

    blank (default) - no confirmation required

    But that is not very descriptive. How does this work? I just put in "DeliveryConfirmation" in the appconfig and somehow it will query the UPS API and get the order status of the package? Has anyone successfully set this up?

  2. #2
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    This is nothing to do with ASPDNSF and how it handles emails etc.

    This for for UPS,
    blank - UPS drop of the package, that's it, almost like standard Royal Mail

    And straight from UPS's website
    Delivery Confirmation: UPS will mail you a confirmation of delivery without a signature.
    Signature Required: UPS will obtain the recipient's signature and provide you with a printed copy. You may also view the recipient's signature online.
    Adult Signature Required: UPS will obtain the adult recipient's signature and provide you with a printed copy. Adult recipients must be at least 21. You may also view the adult recipient's signature online.

    No where is the customer emailed by UPS.

    May I ask why you would want the customer to be emailed when they get their delivery? Would they not be the one to sign for it in the first place?
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  3. #3
    akeller is offline Member
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    Thanks for the reply. And trust me I am fully aware of the uselessness of sending this superfluous email but when the CEO of the company says "I want this, make it happen" you don't really have a choice

    Thanks for clarifying that appconfig for me. Now obviously I will have to implement something else. I am still wondering if anyone has used the UPS API to achieve this with their storefront orders? I am pretty sure it will need to be a windows service unless I perform some sort of cache web trickery to make run like a windows service.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  4. #4
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    Have a word with your UPS rep, they have the tech to do it as they can email you just fine.

    Maybe you could set it to email once delivered but in the UPS call set the email as the customer's email?

    Quick question, do your negotiated rates work correctly?
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  5. #5
    akeller is offline Member
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    We have never had to use or setup negotiated rates. We have always just used the real time shipping rates from UPS and occasionally DHL. Although I am positive I could enable this since I have an activated UPS developers Key which I think is required to use that feature? I could be wrong.

  6. #6
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    If you use WorldShip you can show your negotiated rates, we have ran into some problems with the rates on ASPDNSF and I just wanted to check if you have seen any.

    For what you are looking for you will need to customise the core.
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