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Thread: Category vs Department Guidance

  1. #1
    MPV_Paul is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Category vs Department Guidance

    We're new to ASPDNSF and are starting a store to sell pet products for Dogs and Cats. I'm looking for some insight on the best way to create categories and departments. Let's say we sell "Snacks/Treats" for both "Dogs" and "Cats".

    Should I create:
    1) "Dog" and "Cat" categories with a "Snacks/Treats" sub category?
    2) "Dog" and "Cat" categories with a "Snacks/Treats" department?
    3) "Dog" and "Cat" departments with a "Snacks/Treats" sections?
    4) "Dog" and "Cat" departments with a "Snacks/Treats" category?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks,

  2. #2
    guptaat is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Department/Catagory

    Depends on how you want users to be able to find information.

    See below

    1) "Dog" and "Cat" categories with a "Snacks/Treats" sub category?
    This way when user clicks on Dot or Cat they will see Snack/Treats category.. meaning snacks and treats category is expected to have snakcs/treats only for dog or cat under that category. I think it will be easier.
    2) "Dog" and "Cat" categories with a "Snacks/Treats" department?
    This way when user clicks on snacks/treats they will see all snacks and treats.. i.e. for dogs and cats together.. Depending upon how many you have.. it might be cumbersome.
    3) "Dog" and "Cat" departments with a "Snacks/Treats" sections?
    Same as # 2.. Sections/Departments/Cat are one and same thing.. just a terminology. FUnctionality is identical.
    4) "Dog" and "Cat" departments with a "Snacks/Treats" category?
    same as # 2.. again no difference


  3. #3
    MPV_Paul is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Thank you Amit. I appreciate your explanations and suggestions. Paul

  4. #4
    cjbarth is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    I always look at it like this:

    If you walk in to a store looking for a knife you might find it in the Kitchen department or in the Hardware department but if you were looking at a knife you might categorize it as a knife and metal.

    Thus you could then set filters saying you are looking for metal knives (as opposed to ceramic or plastic) but you want ones that would be for use in the Kitchen and not in your garage.

    So department is where you would find it; category is how you would describe it.
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