WSI - The Plot Thickens
Try typing "WSI" in the search box - no results.
Read the WSI manual - it assumes you know all about it already.
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If you have tons of free time you can manually look around the forum and get the gist of what this thing is some of its uses. However, for those of use new to WSI there is no starting point mentioned anywhere.
Call me crazy, but how about a basic tutorial called WSI 101?
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"WSI is fictitious software that operates much like an urban legend. Use FTP to locate its folder on your server, it will be in the ROOT directory. Open the folder, it will be empty.
Next, create a installer program to load the WSI files into the emplty folder. For this, you'll need to be an expert in SQL, ASP, PHP, C++, and 15 other mystery languages. If you aren't an expert, go to college, learn these languages, then begin this tutorial all over again.
OK, let's begin . . . "
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