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Thread: Shipping to Iceland?

  1. #1
    Scott_LeWarne is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Shipping to Iceland?

    I have a potential customer that has contacted me who wants to buy something from my site, but he lives in Iceland and I'm not finding any way to setup a shipping method for that as Iceland isn't in the list of countries.

    Has anyone run into this before? Is Iceland known as a different name that I should be looking for? Is it safe to just add a new record to the Country table for it?

    Thanks in advance for any insight you can give me,
    Scott LeWarne
    NW Websource

  2. #2
    Scott_LeWarne is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Thumbs up Solved!!

    This was super easy, I just didn't look around hard enough. Under the Configurations -> Taxes menu entry there is an item named Edit Countries. From there you can add whatever other countries you need that weren't pre-loaded. Easy!