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Thread: product images

  1. #1
    rbaroniunas is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default product images

    I am attempting to use the imageoverride in the Excel import to get the imagenames correctly on. This works but I already FTP'd the icon/medium/large into the product folders but none of the images are displayed.

    What table does the images actually get stored in or is it based on the ImageOverride field? If that is the case this is not working correctly.

  2. #2
    hotdog is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Daytona Beach, FL

    Default ImageFilenameOverride

    Image names are stored in the Product and ProductVariant tables in the ImageFilenameOverride field. The field should have only the image name (MyBike.jpg). If it's there, it works well.

    This might sound too silly, and I don't mean to insult anyone's attention to detail, but I've actually seen this happen, so it's probably worth mentioning - If none of them are displaying, and everything else is correct, there are two options:

    1) Make sure you are uploading the images to the correct directory. Often times servers have multiple iterations of the same web directory for development, staging, production, upgrades, etc. Make sure you aren't uploading to one and looking in another.
    2) make sure your images are RGB, and not CMYK. Not all jpgs are created the same. A CMYK jpg is formatted for print, not web, so it will not render in a browser.

    Just a few things to think about.