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Thread: Blank Customer Records

  1. #1
    C-Clops is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Blank Customer Records

    I am running into a situation where customer records are being created with no first name, last name or email.

    The customers are placing orders, and all of their shipping and billing information is there, but their customer record is blank. Has anybody else experienced this problem? If so, is there a way to fix it?

    We have recently switched to one page checkout and the rate of this occurance seems to have increased, although I can see from inspecting the db that it was happening before as well.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    AspDotNetStorefront ML

  2. #2
    benjamin is offline Member
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    Oct 2008


    We have seen this issue occasionally before when we were in ML 8012. We couldn't duplicate the issue on our dev environment because it occurred once out of about 200 orders. As a result, we didn't pursue it further because we couldn't get the exact conditions when this will happen.

    We also saw instances where customer email was missing.

    We suspected that this error didn't happen at the INSERT (creation) stage of the customer record, but at the UPDATE stage when some action is updating the customer record, it was not able to persist the data and as a result, updated with blank value.

    Would love to see someone be able to replicate this and tell us the exact sequence of steps to get this error. That'll go a long way toward fixing it.

  3. #3
    C-Clops is offline Member
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    Feb 2007

    Default One Page Checkout Blank Customer Records Solved

    It appears that there was a condition on the one page check out where the account information fields weren't being displayed at the top of the page.

    (We were able to duplicate this situation by entering bad address information, then leaving the checkout page to add/edit/delete address information, then continuing with checkout.)

    If the account information wasn't being displayed at the top of the page and the customer clicked the Get Shipping Options button, the customer record was getting blanked out.

    We worked around this situation by ALWAYS displaying the account information panel, and just disabling the fields for currently registered customers. This seems to have fixed the issue.

  4. #4
    sathya is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2011

    Default Blank Customer records

    Hello! I am trying to solve the same issue. We are getting blank customer email, first name, last name.

    Can you please give me more details on how you resolved the issue.

    "ALWAYS displaying the account information panel, and just disabling the fields for currently registered customers." Does that mean you are creating the customer account at the same time taking the payment information cause i noticed that when a new customer is placing the order they first create an account and enter payment details and enter their payment details after they create the account

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you
    PS : I am new to this system and trying to solve a clients problem.

  5. #5
    pfeighan13 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Any update on how this was fixed?? Details?