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Thread: Integration of secure trading gateway

  1. #1
    saurabh_daffodil is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Unhappy Integration of secure trading gateway

    Hi There,

    Could you please help me to integrate "Secure Trading" gateway to my application

    i have created a class SecureTrading.vb inherited from GatewayProcessor and override the function(CaptureOrder(), ProcessCard() , VoidOrder(), RefundOrder() etc ) as in the same way as AuthorizeNet done.

    I got the response but that response does not help me to figure out the result.

    Could anyone help me in integrating SecureTrading gateway to my aspdotnetstorefront application

  2. #2
    SecureTrading is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Hi saurabh_daffodil,

    The variable used for the result of the transaction on our systems is $stresult - this will return a 1 if Authorised, 2 if Declined and a 0 if there has been an error with the payment.

    Kind regards,

    SecureTrading Support