I am trying to cache the pdf output of my DuoDimension plugin. When I try the following, it never seems to find the cache record. Any ideas for this?

public partial class printproject : SkinBase
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int productid = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("productid");
            int projectid = CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("projectid");

                String CacheName = "ProjectPDF_" + projectid;
                Response.CacheControl = "private";
                Response.Expires = 0;
                Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
                Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
                Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + projectid + ".pdf");
                string XmlPackageName = "printprojects.xml.config";
                string cached = string.Empty;
                SectionTitle = "Project " + projectid + " Download";
                Customer ThisCustomer = ((AspDotNetStorefrontPrincipal)Context.User).ThisCustomer;

                // Check if PDF is cached
                if (AppLogic.CachingOn)
                    DuoDimension.HtmlToPdf cacheconv = (DuoDimension.HtmlToPdf)HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get(CacheName);
                    if (cacheconv != null)
                        if (CommonLogic.ApplicationBool("DumpSQL"))
                            HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Cache Hit Found!<br />\n");
                        cacheconv.ShowPDF(cacheconv.SavePDF(), Response);
                DuoDimension.HtmlToPdf conv = new DuoDimension.HtmlToPdf();
                StringBuilder html_st = new StringBuilder(AppLogic.RunXmlPackage(XmlPackageName, null, ThisCustomer, 1, String.Empty, String.Empty, true, true));
                // PdfDocumentInfo
                conv.PdfDocumentInfo.Title = "Project " + projectid;
                conv.PdfDocumentInfo.Author = "Me";
                conv.PdfDocumentInfo.Creator = "Me";
                conv.PdfDocumentInfo.Producer = "© 2001-" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + " Me";

                // Document Font Info
                conv.PdfTextInfo.FontName = "Arial";
                conv.PdfTextInfo.FontSize = 11;

                // PageInfo Settings
                conv.PageInfo.PageFormat = DuoDimension.ePageFormat.Letter;
                conv.PageInfo.PageTopMargin = 70;
                conv.PageInfo.PageBottomMargin = 74;

                conv.Header = "<br /><img src=http://development/adns/images/projects/pdf_files/top_logo.jpg />";
                conv.Footer = "<br /><img src=http://development/adns/images/projects/pdf_files/bottom_info.jpg />";
                conv.ShowPDF(conv.SavePDF(), Response);

                if (AppLogic.CachingOn)
                    HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(CacheName, conv.ToString(), null, System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(14400), TimeSpan.Zero);
                Response.ContentType = "text/html";
                ErrorMsgLabel.Text = "An error has occured. Project #" + projectid + " is currently unavailable. Please try back later.<br />";
