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Thread: Uploading Mfgrs and Distributors

  1. #1
    USNFC3 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2011
    Mid West

    Question Uploading Mfgrs and Distributors

    Ive spent HOURS on the website trying to find a couple of simply answers, and all I can seem to find are others asking the same questions!

    1. Is there a way I can upload all my MANUFACTURES?
    2. Is there a way I can upload all my DISTRIBUTORS?
    (in an excel spreadsheet format)
    If so .. HOW?
    and ...

    3. Where can I find a sample spreadsheet with all the proper titles I need in order to upload products to the site?

    4. Where can I find the instructions on how to do all of the above?
    Thank You!!

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    All of that (at least the ones that are supported) is in the online manual, easily found with a quick search for 'excel'.

    Excel import -
    Excel import fields -

    That covers all the product/entity data that can be imported through Excel, and what each field does. If it's not in that spreadsheet, then you can't import it from Excel, and would want to look into WSI instead. It's much more complicated, but also much more powerful.

  3. #3
    esedirect is offline Senior Member
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    Norfolk, UK


    The same technique can be used as I have discussed in this other thread

    Create a spreadsheet with the correct columns and then use a formula to create the SQL insert statements.
    Using MS with the following customisations:

    Lightbox/Fancybox enlarged images;
    Auto-suggest searchbox;
    Extra product information shown only to our IP Address (such as supplier info, costs, etc.);
    Failed transactions emailed via trigger;
    Custom app to show basket contents when customer online;
    Orders pushed through to accounting systems.

    All the above without source!

  4. #4
    USNFC3 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Mid West

    Default Thanks!

    Thank You, but ... <sigh>... Im one of those people who learns best (and easiest) If I can be shown something (hands on) for the first time. Then It burns in and Ive got it, but I have NO clue as what to do with that file other than put it in with the others that cause me a great deal of anxiety! LOL <smile> At this point, Id rather laugh about it - as Im running out of hair to pull out! But THANK YOU all the same!

    Quote Originally Posted by esedirect View Post
    The same technique can be used as I have discussed in this other thread

    Create a spreadsheet with the correct columns and then use a formula to create the SQL insert statements.

  5. #5
    esedirect is offline Senior Member
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    Norfolk, UK


    Post a spreadsheet with a few sample rows of your distributor data and I'll amend it for you. You can obfuscate the data if it makes you feel more comfortable.
    Using MS with the following customisations:

    Lightbox/Fancybox enlarged images;
    Auto-suggest searchbox;
    Extra product information shown only to our IP Address (such as supplier info, costs, etc.);
    Failed transactions emailed via trigger;
    Custom app to show basket contents when customer online;
    Orders pushed through to accounting systems.

    All the above without source!