Join Kim Williams of BEM Group for his presentation:
Social Sells and How!? Leveraging the Uniqueness of Social Media.
Thursday April 7th, 9-10am PST
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This presentation will include a high level overview of the elements of digital marketing and the role Social Media Marketing must play in your ecommerce internet marketing strategy.
a) Overview – Internet marketing is the voice of a company’s digital presence speaking the facts and benefits of your products and services across the web. A solid hosting platform, great website, reliable analytics and a series of digital marketing channels are required for effective digital marketing. Social Media is one of the many channels available and is unique.
b) Role of Social - Social Media is a unique marketing tactic that requires a company to position itself as invitational rather than presentational. Social Media Marketing is about creating an environment for brand and product advocates to gather and engage with your product/service.
Presented by Kim Williams, Client Services Manager for BEM Group, Inc.