I've tried editing ShoppingCart.cs in the storefront core so that the 'Delete' button that displays on every row on the basket page is replaced by an image (I was going to use a trashcan or a cross or something like that).
Unfortunately, replacing it with an image stops the delete functionality from working altogether. I'm basically replacing this:
tmpS.Append(" <input type=\"submit\" name=\"bt_Delete\" class=\"CartDeleteButton\" value=\"" + m_DeleteString + "\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('Quantity_" + c.m_ShoppingCartRecordID.ToString() + "').value='0';\">");
with this:
tmpS.Append(" <input type=\"image\" src=\"images/trashcan.png\" name=\"bt_Delete\" class=\"CartDeleteButton\" value=\"" + m_DeleteString + "\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('Quantity_" + c.m_ShoppingCartRecordID.ToString() + "').value='0';\">");
So, the only updates are the change of input type from "submit" to "image", and the addition of a new "src" attribute, as you'd expect.
Any idea why deleting rows from the cart works with a button but not with an image button when coded in this way?