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Thread: Create Ad Hoc Refund on Recurring Orders

  1. #1
    jmartin77 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Create Ad Hoc Refund on Recurring Orders

    Will doing an ad hoc charge/refund on a recurring order cause problems somewhere else in the store? I assume there's a reason the button was disabled, but I'm not sure what that could be.

    We're running into issues where we need to refund shipping charges on recurring orders. The Create Ad Hoc Charge/Refund button shows up on the original order, but not the subsequent orders.

    I found the code where I can enable the button for recurring orders. I changed it so the button will show for the recurring orders. But is it safe to do that? Will it break something else down the road somewhere?

  2. #2
    usascholar is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I second that!

    I need to provide a refund on recurring orders as well!

    Why is it not enabled?