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Thread: Free shipping to selected states

  1. #1
    MudDiver is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Free shipping to selected states

    I have been tasked with making our free shipping offer to be only available to certain states. So any orders over $75.00 in 26 select states would get free shipping other states would pay regular shipping rates. I am using ML8, any ideas on how to approach this, I would like to avoid having to do too much coding if possible.

    Jason Giles
    IT Manager / Web Services
    WTS Media

  2. #2
    Ex-Jesse is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    I haven't done this yet, but it should work in theory. Set up a dummy shipping Method called "Free Shipping" and put it's ShippingMethodID in the AppConfig ShippingMethodIDIfFreeShippingIsOn and set FreeShippingAllowsRateSelection to true.

    Then you can change your shipping method in the admin by setting it to only those 26 allowed states.

    So only people from those 26 allowed states can recieve free shipping, and it will only happen when the threshold has been met.... I think!

  3. #3
    MudDiver is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Ex-Jesse View Post
    I haven't done this yet, but it should work in theory. Set up a dummy shipping Method called "Free Shipping" and put it's ShippingMethodID in the AppConfig ShippingMethodIDIfFreeShippingIsOn and set FreeShippingAllowsRateSelection to true.

    Then you can change your shipping method in the admin by setting it to only those 26 allowed states.

    So only people from those 26 allowed states can recieve free shipping, and it will only happen when the threshold has been met.... I think!
    yeah, I did try that, but we use Real Time Shipping, so the storefront doesn't look at the manually entered methods, it looks at the UPS methods which do not offer the state exclusion because they leave that up to the carrier. I may have to go back to fixed rates to make this work. I have also decided I would rather exclude products rather than customers because it would require customers to log in for the site to determine if they get free shipping. We only have a few items that are killing us in shipping rates so excluding them would solve our problem.
    Jason Giles
    IT Manager / Web Services
    WTS Media